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Don’t Put All Your Financial Eggs In One Digital Basket


Think about it, almost all our $$ monetary assets are digital. Your checking account, savings account, credit card accounts, 401k plans, Stocks, Bitcoin, etc., … are all digitally managed and accessible. They all reside on some server, in some data farm, of some big consolidated company that is attached to the internet. As we know, any company attached to the internet can, and most likely will be targeted by a hack. Maybe not today, nor tomorrow, but eventually.

There is a recent wave of hackings on an unprecedented scale. According to IT Governance(1), over 1.76 Billion records were leaked just in January of 2019 alone. According to CIO Online(2), ransomeware is expected to cost businesses and organizations over $12B in 2019. According to Juniper Research(3), the global cost of Cyber-crime is expected to exceed $2 Trillion in 2019.

So many seemingly impenetrable big companies have been hacked with unimaginable loss of data:

  • Yahoo – 3 Billion Users – 2014

  • Marriott International – 500 Million Users – 2018

  • Adult Friend Finder – 400 Million Users – 2016

  • EBay – 145 Million Users – 2014

  • Equifax – 143 Million Users – 2017

  • And the list goes on and on …

What's Important:

Here is the problem in a nutshell, whenever you have your high value digital assets $$ (data) all bunched up under one location, it’s a very attractive target for savvy predators and hackers. It’s sort of like putting it all out there nice and easy on a silver platter. One stop shopping for the crooks, you get the picture.


Proactively managing your digital assets is crucial. With more and more of our assets stored digitally, having a Digital Asset Diversification Strategy (DADS) will help manage your risk. Without a plan, one major hack could compromise all your digital assets!

See our Action Plan below for what you can do to diversify today!


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