As reported by the Washington Post, App makers are collecting data from your iPhone without your knowledge and sharing it with other third-parties without our knowledge. The data collected is used to feed the personal data economy including targeting us for marketing and political messaging.
App makers often use trackers for things like targeting ads to you, making sure the app is working well, or researching how you use the app. App makers will often say they don't allow the trackers they use to share data but their privacy policy often state they aren't responsible for a trackers privacy practices at all.
Any third-party that collects and retains your personal data is a concern unless it also has pro-consumer privacy policies like limiting data retention and anonymizing that data it collects.
1. App makers are using third-party app trackers to access your personal data on your smart phone. Some app makers have the app call home at times when the phone is plugged in or they think won’t interfere with your use of the phone...which typically happens late at night.
2. These trackers not only take your personal data at an alarming rate that can grab gigabytes of data. In one example, a phone sent 1.5GB to third-parties in 1 month. That’s half of a typical basic wireless service plan! So not only do App trackers take your personal information, they are making you pay for it, too!
3. Using specialized security apps can help you determine what apps are using trackers, how much data is taken and how often. Some iPhone settings can be changed to reduce this data grab!